Grant High School celebrates our LAUSD Teacher of the Year!

Ms. Bloom teaches math using a growth mindset approach and refuses to accept the myth that there are "math people" and "non-math people."  
Nicole Bloom is incredibly creative and has unique talents in collaboration, enrichment, experiential learning, and engaging all students. Her contributions to our math department cannot be overlooked.  She creates meaningful rapport with students based on respect and centered on achievement. She embodies the character, dedication, and intelligence that LAUSD expects from their best educators.  Ms. Bloom created structures and systems at Grant that have improved learning in math for all our students.
For these and many other reasons, Ms. Bloom was named an LAUSD Teacher of the Year.
Congratulations to Ms. Bloom!!!
For the official announcement from LAUSD, click here: LAUSD Teachers of the Year 2020 - 2021