Grant and LAUSD Black Student Achievement Plan
- BSAP Coordinator: Ms. Jennifer Cooke
- BSAP Counselor: Mr. Steven Brown
- BSAP Parent Representative: Ms. Yolanda Williams
- BSAP Administrator: Ms. Rebecca McMurrin (Principal)
The Black Student Achievement Plan (BSAP) was approved by the LAUSD Board of Education in February of the 2020-21 school year. Funding allocations have been earmarked to address the longstanding disparities in educational outcomes between Black students and their non-Black peers. Dating back to the landmark case, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, in which the U.S. Supreme Court declared that segregated schools were unconstitutional, favorable outcomes for Black students and their communities continue to fall below district and national averages of their non-Black counterparts.
The BSAP addresses the need for culturally responsive curriculum and instruction as the classroom norm, fosters partnerships with community-based organizations with proven track records of success within the Black community, and provides increased staffing support to address the academic and social-emotional needs of Black students.
The creation and implementation of this plan is a joint effort shared across LAUSD and our community partners. We will hold each other accountable for the realization of the Black Student Achievement Plan. The plan will serve as a dynamic document, with adjustments made based on its responsiveness to Black students, parents, and their communities. The support will remain until parity and beyond is achieved.